Tag Archives: marketing

4 Content Marketing Rules You Must Follow!

Content Marketing RulesMore and more companies are starting to use content marketing these days as larger part of their marketing efforts.  When done correctly, it’s been proven to be an effective marketing technique.  Just make sure to never forget to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Don’t Forget the “Marketing” in Content Marketing – It’s can be easy to write content that funny and entertains your customers, but remember not to forget your objective.  You are not a publisher for the sake of being a publisher but you are using content to market your product or service.
  2. Tell a Story – Your content needs to draw people in and engage them.  They aren’t going to share your content with their friends if its one big sales pitch.  It’s ok if you use soft sales pitches from time to time within your content, but remember to hook them in and encourage them to share your content with their friends.
  3. Target the Audience You’re Selling – You can’t be all things to all people.  Know the audience that’s buying your product and try to write exclusively to them.  Find out their likes and interests.  Survey your customers and figure out what makes them tick.  Once you’ve identified your audience, always keep them in mind when you’re writing.
  4. Educate Though the Sales Cycle – Depending on the level of complexity of your product, make sure you are educating your potential customers all along the sales cycle.  Talk to your sales team and echo the key points they discuss with potential customers on an initial phone call. Find out what they talk about in a first in-person meeting.  What are the most common questions asked right before the signing of a contract?Try and create content that addresses these issues and educates a customer.  Remember, these days, many customers want to use the Internet to answer their own questions even before they talk to anyone